By the special Grace of Allah, Jamia Ahmadiyya Nigeria held her convocation ceremony on Saturday, 29th of June, 2024.

The program was chaired by the respected Amir sahib, Ahmadiyya Muslim of Nigeria, Alhaji Alatoye A Azeez.

Several dignitaries honored Jamia with their presence at the occasion like the Missionary in charge, Mulvi Adnan Tahir sahib, the Naib Amir, Sadr Majlis Khudamul Ahmadiyya Nigeria, Sadr Majlis Ansarullah, representatives of Sadr Lajna Imaillah Nigeria, coordinators of Hafiz class Nigeria and Hafizah class, the principal of Ahmadiyya science college Ilaro and many more dignitaries.

The Amir sahib in his address admonished the graduating and the remaining students to understand the purpose of their dedication.

He advised them to always take the right channels in the Jama’at’s administrative matters. He made it clear that rebellious behavior should not be seen in an Ahmadi, not to talk of a missionary.

The Missionary in charge sahib, in his address, highlighted that being a scholar is not only about knowledge but more about Taqwah and fear of Allah. He encouraged the students to always be mindful of their status in the sight of Allah.

The program also featured the annual report of Jamia activities which was read by the vice principal academics, Alhaj Abdur Rahman Busari. He highlighted the activities through the year, such as various academic competition, sporting activities, extra curriculum activities and many more.

Prizes were presented to the students who performed excellently in various academic and sport competitions.

The best academic student award went to Qasim Abdur Raf’ee of the third year, while the exemplary student of the year was given to Amosun Abdur Rasheed. Quran and certificate were presented to the two graduating students, Amosun Abdur Rasheed and Tijani Abdullah.

Various comments were entertained from the respected guests.

The program ended with closing prayer, which was followed by photographs.

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